Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation National Grant

Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation invests in innovative strategies to empower youth with disabilities to lead productive lives. Their focus as a company is to serve all people by making lives easier, more comfortable and more inclusive.

Type of Support


Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation (MEAF) supports innovative projects that help youth with disabilities develop the leadership and employment skills they need to succeed. MEAF will also consider projects to create tools that help break down barriers to employment and increase job opportunities for young people with disabilities entering the workforce, including returning veterans with disabilities. Projects must maximize the potential and participation in society of youth (up to age 26) with disabilities.

Projects must:

  • Develop youth leadership & employment skills, and/or create tools for employers that help break down barriers and increase employment opportunities for youth and veterans with disabilities
  • Present an innovative approach that leads to measurable employment outcomes for youth with disabilities
  • Be national in scope, or model projects that have a definite plan for national dissemination and replication
  • Support U.S. youth with disabilities as the main beneficiary, or young veterans with disabilities transitioning to civilian life
  • Promote the full-inclusion of youth with disabilities alongside their peers without disabilities, and promote inclusive, competitive employment practices
  • Have a well-defined evaluation, dissemination and replication plan


Organization's Location
et occaecat
Program Location
Organization Type


Veniam sit sit incididunt voluptate laboris
Dolore excepteur enim et esse occaecat consectetur
Quis consectetur nulla esse tempor laborum duis anim nostrud non dolore laboris esse ut
Laborum laboris laborum non anim incididunt elit qui ad nulla nulla occaecat laboris et cupidatat exercitation veniam
Aliquip occaecat incididunt incididunt irure fugiat
Nostrud magna sunt
Non in ipsum minim consequat
Dolor aliquip irure ullamco amet laborum eiusmod enim laboris ea in ipsum incididunt qui tempor aliqua
Labore anim nulla quis consequat cillum sit velit
Culpa nostrud et irure consectetur magna
Pariatur occaecat est adipisicing dolor
Pariatur nisi esse eiusmod ullamco amet minim
Laboris magna anim officia elit ipsum occaecat
Voluptate est
Mollit dolor dolore enim
Commodo nisi
10k – 100k


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