Murphy Family Foundation Grant

From Murphy Family Foundation

The Murphy Family Foundation aims to support viable programs that address the problems and causes of poverty in the greater Cleveland area, focusing on providing food for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, and educational support services for the disadvantaged.

Type of Support


The grant program is guided by the principle of addressing the fundamental causes and problems associated with poverty within the greater Cleveland area. It specifically supports causes such as feeding the hungry, providing shelter for the homeless, and offering educational support services to help the disadvantaged. The foundation seeks to back organizations that deliver these essential services and make a positive impact in the community.


Organization's Location
ea velit
Program Location
velit voluptate exercitation
Organization Type
  • laboris aliquip dolor officia tempor adipisicing excepteur labore consectetur Lorem id non id fugiat ipsum aute duis ad do occaecat


Minim elit qui consequat veniam amet non
Dolor labore officia qui anim nostrud ea mollit
not specified


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