Established in 1986, The Murphy Family Foundation supports organizations addressing the problems and causes of poverty in the greater Cleveland area. The majority of grants help provide food for the hungry, shelter for the homeless and educational support services for the disadvantaged.
The Murphy Family Foundation considers its primary mission to be the support of viable programs addressing the problems and causes of poverty in the Cleveland area. More specifically, the Murphy Family Foundation's Grantmaking is primarily to those organizations providing food for the hungry, shelter for the homeless and educational support services for the disadvantaged.
The Foundation does not consider health or disability related programs or programs in support of the arts to be part of its primary mission.
Notwithstanding the above, the Murphy Family Foundation maintains a reserve fund for additional grants which may fall outside of the area of the defined primary mission. Its Grantmaking in those areas often reflects the personal interests of individual family members.
Foundation policy requires a one-year hiatus in grantmaking to any organization that has received grants for three consecutive years.