Troy Foundation Quarterly Grants

    From Troy Foundation

    The Stouder Memorial Foundation aims to provide assistance to organizations that deliver health care services in Miami County, with a continued major support focus on Upper Valley Medical Center, after transitioning from servicing solely the Stouder Memorial Hospital to a broader health care support role within the community.

    Type of Support


    The Troy Foundation offers grants to charitable organizations working on projects and programs across various fields: arts and culture, community and economic development, education, environment, health, human services, and recreation. These grants aim to support initiatives that align with the foundation's mission to enhance community life.


    Organization's Location
    cupidatat excepteur
    Program Location
    incididunt do tempor
    Organization Type
    • nulla et laborum exercitation velit nulla reprehenderit cillum eu laborum
    • est labore in deserunt consectetur magna esse voluptate cillum quis eiusmod sunt nostrud ex ullamco incididunt deserunt sunt anim laborum labore mollit
    300 – 40K


    Visit Apply for more information.

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