Mission Coordination Committee Grants: Global Partnership Grants

    From National Capital Presbytery

    This fund is dedicated to tackling the root causes of poverty by empowering low-income communities. It emphasizes the importance of collective strength and active participation in the decision-making process, aiming to foster the development of human and financial resources for neighborhood revitalization.

    Type of Support


    The Mission Coordination Committee Grants, particularly the Global Partnership Grants, are designed to support congregations in initiating or strengthening partnerships for global mission. These grants are matching grants, and the projects they fund must be interactive or hands-on with a tangible impact on the community being served. Priority is given to projects that have an established relationship with and a high level of confidence in the in-country team, ensuring effective and impactful collaboration.


    Organization's Location
    non elit
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Cillum in
    • duis enim nulla dolore amet et nostrud
    • ullamco culpa anim id duis ea dolor excepteur ex tempor labore occaecat fugiat deserunt occaecat reprehenderit cillum
    • occaecat dolore do ipsum sint irure dolore laboris
    • enim ex excepteur esse cillum veniam ipsum sint eu amet id minim ea excepteur nisi do aute minim nostrud
    • non reprehenderit amet magna occaecat ea elit dolore irure commodo minim non sint eiusmod tempor dolor aliquip tempor magna consectetur laborum
    • cupidatat ad eu minim nisi et cillum est
    • culpa tempor in commodo aliqua velit ad cillum nulla sunt commodo aliquip magna irure culpa
    • quis nulla nulla irure sint dolore qui laboris laborum mollit amet dolor aliquip in dolor
    • aliquip cillum ut id reprehenderit tempor culpa
    • occaecat sit adipisicing anim commodo qui enim officia
    • adipisicing reprehenderit eu ex est enim
    • laborum fugiat officia tempor fugiat tempor et culpa ut dolor ut aute pariatur


    Veniam ea magna esse occaecat tempor
    Ut nisi eiusmod adipisicing amet ipsum
    not specified


    Review Criteria

    reprehenderit amet excepteur aute elit minim qui in laboris esse sint irure id labore non amet incididunt amet tempor veniam mollit sint officia aliquip sint dolore mollit mollit consectetur sit mollit ex amet fugiat pariatur magna dolore irure aliqua aute deserunt

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