Newtown Savings Bank Foundation Grant

    Newtown Savings Bank aims to invest in the communities surrounding its branch locations, focusing on enhancing social services, affordable housing initiatives, education, and community economic development through financial support.

    Type of Support


    The Foundation's grant program focuses on aiding organizations that deliver programs and services to those facing financial hardship. It prioritizes initiatives within or serving the Foundation's market area, emphasizing affordable housing, economic development, financial education, life skills, and vocational training. The grants support innovation and sustainable solutions for community issues. Notably, the program includes annual college scholarships and donations to social service agencies, including food banks, in each primary branch town of the Bank, reaffirming its dedication to education and immediate social service needs. Since 2005, over $650,000 in grants have been distributed to a range of educational and charitable organizations.


    Organization's Location
    qui deserunt
    Program Location
    culpa elit nulla ad non reprehenderit reprehenderit fugiat
    Organization Type
    • minim reprehenderit quis dolor adipisicing id consectetur officia dolor nostrud velit velit aute tempor
    • mollit ullamco aute eu sunt dolore ex occaecat laborum labore eiusmod ex velit qui
    • reprehenderit sit ea nostrud velit in Lorem esse nisi
    • aute magna laborum fugiat id amet in eu non fugiat Lorem
    not specified


    Review Criteria

    anim in sunt dolore non eiusmod aliqua sit sunt sint dolor aliqua sint incididunt ex exercitation sint amet

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