Northern New York Community Foundation: General Grant Program

From Northern New York Community Foundation

The Russell I. Wilcox Family established the Community Fund for Theresa to support various initiatives that benefit the greater Theresa, New York area. This includes supporting community development, preserving history, enhancing cultural and recreational activities, and improving overall quality of life. This mission reflects Russ Wilcox's commitment to the community, following his career with the Thousand Islands International Bridge Authority and his contribution to regional projects like the restoration of Boldt Castle.

Type of Support


Community Foundation grants focus on supporting programs and projects that meet the changing needs of the region. They cover various causes, including human services, health and wellness, arts and culture, education, families and youth, conservation and environment, community development, recreation, and more. The grant aims to support initiatives that share the Community Foundation's mission and values, evaluating applications based on their potential value to Northern New York, available funding, and the quality of planning, leadership, and support. Grant applications are reviewed quarterly, with requests up to $5,000 potentially approved at the committee level, while larger requests go to the Board of Directors with a committee recommendation.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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up to 5k


Step 1: et ut proident
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: qui cupidatat (sunt aute)