TSBCF Grant Program

From Troy Savings Bank Charitable Foundation

The Troy Savings Bank Charitable Foundation is an independent private foundation continuing the charitable giving tradition of the Troy Savings Bank, with an emphasis on programs and initiatives aimed at building stronger communities.

Type of Support


The Troy Savings Bank Charitable Foundation focuses on making positive and lasting changes in communities, with a keen interest in initiatives that encourage collaboration among not-for-profits, government agencies, and private funding sources for broader impact. It particularly supports community development, youth development, and arts & culture, aiming to provide vital services, stimulate economic growth, enrich communities culturally, and help young people acquire necessary skills for future employment. This includes supporting programs for at-risk youth and granting operating support for organizations delivering vital community services. The Foundation also has a special interest in supporting the Troy Savings Bank Music Hall. Grant requests are categorized by amount, either up to $2,500 or over $2,500, with a prerequisite for applicants to discuss their request with the Foundation's Executive Director before submission.


Organization's Location
excepteur minim
Program Location
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Organization Type
Laborum ullamco quis incididunt ex elit est aliqua aliqua
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Incididunt commodo
Officia do
Incididunt est
up to 200k


Visit Apply for more information.

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