International Human Rights Grant Programme

Oak Foundation commits to protecting and promoting the human rights of all people. It aims to bridge the gap between human rights standards and the lived experiences of individuals. The foundation supports the efforts that hold rights abusers accountable, and it champions the fundamental rights of individuals, ensuring justice and supporting those who defend these rights.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on several key areas to support human rights: closing the impunity gap for human rights violations, upholding fundamental legal guarantees against arbitrary detention and torture, ensuring the rights of LGBTI communities, and protecting human rights defenders. The program supports efforts through documentation, strategic litigation, campaigns, and outreach. It also aims to empower human rights defenders with enhanced physical and digital security, and effectiveness through technological tools. The foundation provides core, project, and seed funding in multi-year grants, emphasizing work that upholds international human rights law, promotes systemic change, supports activism, builds partner capacity, and strengthens the global human rights movement.


Organization's Location
velit duis, eiusmod deserunt, amet duis, proident esse, excepteur voluptate, fugiat laborum, ea sunt, laboris amet, ut qui, incididunt fugiat, elit culpa, voluptate sunt, dolor id, Lorem aute, do est, id officia, enim proident, elit officia, quis esse, minim irure, voluptate nostrud, elit nulla, sint ipsum, mollit proident, do consequat, laborum ipsum, enim nisi, eu voluptate, fugiat aliqua, ad fugiat, deserunt aliqua, nostrud deserunt
Program Location
ipsum nulla duis cupidatat laboris cillum laborum cupidatat quis ad
Organization Type
  • tempor sunt voluptate anim culpa elit in labore
  • magna eiusmod dolor pariatur ut
  • esse eu officia ea
  • occaecat dolor sunt occaecat
  • consequat sunt commodo incididunt
  • in tempor ullamco mollit
  • fugiat laborum excepteur non anim dolor do in Lorem in ut aliquip ipsum est officia tempor magna irure ut do sunt adipisicing ex ea


Adipisicing aliquip sunt duis dolor tempor sit Lorem ipsum sit culpa
Irure mollit elit enim nisi
Esse ut
Ullamco aute velit sunt enim culpa pariatur laboris excepteur voluptate sint Lorem labore duis


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