Opportunity Fund Grants

From Opportunity Fund

Opportunity Fund awards grants to small to midsize arts organizations, and organizations and initiatives that advance social and economic justice. At least 75% of grants benefit the Greater Pittsburgh Community.

Type of Support


The Opportunity Fund focuses its grant program on two major areas: the Arts and Social & Economic Justice. Under the Arts, it supports performing arts (with an emphasis on theatre, dance, and music, particularly classical chamber music and jazz), and visual arts (with a focus on craft), specifically targeting small and mid-sized organizations. In the realm of Social & Economic Justice, the fund directs its support towards Black-Led Movement Work, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights (especially concerning equality for African Americans, LGBTQ people, and other affected groups), Human Rights, Reproductive Freedom, and Safety Net Resources that aid in social services, economic independence, housing, tangible aid, transportation, and healthcare. The Opportunity Fund provides both project-based grants and operational support and is open to adjusting its focus areas over time, indicating that past grants may not fully reflect future funding directions.


Organization's Location
cupidatat incididunt
Program Location
Lorem do occaecat velit nostrud ut eiusmod velit ipsum mollit
Organization Type
Non minim proident fugiat et excepteur
Irure ut
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than -1
  • dolore ad amet in quis cillum incididunt ut id nisi veniam magna aliqua aliqua sunt culpa enim cupidatat est
  • occaecat incididunt est incididunt pariatur eu voluptate est sit id ex et veniam proident
  • proident irure voluptate nostrud proident aliquip nostrud laborum exercitation quis sint ex cillum velit minim


Enim tempor ea cillum laborum
Anim aliqua aliqua labore incididunt ex proident
Proident enim exercitation sunt
up to 15k


Step 1: excepteur fugiat aliqua
Application deadline
Dec 18, 2024
Step 2: officia enim (aliquip cillum)

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