OWEB Small Grant Program

From Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB)

The Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board is a state agency that provides grants to help Oregonians take care of local streams, rivers, wetlands, and natural areas. Their mission is to help protect and restore healthy watersheds and natural habitats that support thriving communities and strong economies.

Type of Support


The Small Grant Program offers up to $15,000 for restoration projects on private lands in Oregon, aiming to enhance local decision-making and quick response to watershed restoration needs. It supports the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds and the Oregon Conservation Strategy by enabling landowners to perform restoration activities such as planting native vegetation, managing erosion, and improving water quality and habitat for fish and wildlife. The program is competitive and seeks projects that involve instream process improvements, fish passage enhancements, urban impact reduction, riparian, wetland, and upland process and function improvements, water quantity and irrigation efficiency, and private road impact reduction. Eligible applicants include watershed councils, Soil & Water Conservation Districts, or Tribes on behalf of various entities, with a designated fiscal agent for grant administration.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Watershed councils
Soil and water conservation districts
  • Located in Oregon
  • Acts on behalf of private landowners, not-for-profit institutions, schools, community colleges, state institutions of higher education, independent not-for-profit institutions of higher education, and local, state, or federal agencies
  • On-the-ground restoration project that benefits watershed, aquatic species, wildlife, or watershed health
  • Uses technical guidance from one of the six approved sources
  • Consistent with Small Grant Team’s priority watershed concerns and eligible project types
  • Demonstrates 25% secured match funding based on the total OWEB award
  • Project is distinct and different from projects already funded or being considered for funding by OWEB
  • Adheres to Small Grant Administrative Rules


Monitoring, outreach, and education projects
Project planning and design not done in conjunction with funded restoration/enhancement activities
Routine maintenance
Fish screens
Constructed stream bank armoring
Development of off-channel watering systems not in conjunction with fencing a riparian area or managing nutrient/sediment inputs
Pond cleaning and creation
Residential landscaping not done in conjunction with funded riparian restoration/enhancement activities
Weed control not done in conjunction with funded restoration/enhancement activities
Projects required by a permit/order/enforcement action
Irrigation practices not resulting in decreased water use/improved water quality or quantity
Irrigation water conservation projects involving maintenance/renovation of existing infrastructure, restoring deteriorated systems, portable pipe or ditch cleaning, electrical costs from irrigation conversion
Western juniper management involving removal of late-seral/old growth juniper.
up to 10k


Visit Apply for more information.

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