Gorman Foundation Grants

From Owen T & Alice M Gorman Test Charitable Tr UW Alice M Gorman

The Gorman Foundation aims to improve the quality of life for present and future generations as a tribute to Owen T. Gorman, Catherine “Kay” Cummings Gorman, and Alice M. Gorman. It focuses on enhancing the living standards through various philanthropic efforts within specified geographic and interest areas.

Type of Support


The Gorman Foundation Grants program awards funds to tax-exempt, non-private foundation organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code. It has a strong geographic focus on Madison County, NY, but also impacts communities globally. The grants support social welfare programs providing healthcare, education, food, and shelter; community education and enhancement projects such as educational outreach, musical performances, and historical preservation; and environmental initiatives including local farming support, wildlife preservation, and animal rehabilitation.


Organization's Location
qui proident
Program Location
ullamco quis velit
Organization Type
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Ut incididunt anim mollit elit velit ullamco sint ad nostrud nostrud eu cillum pariatur occaecat occaecat tempor nulla id
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100 – 100k


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