PCRF: Emerging Investigator Fellowship Grant

From Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation

The Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation (PCRF) is dedicated to identifying and investing in leading-edge research with the best hope for curing childhood cancer. Since its inception in 1982, PCRF aims to eliminate childhood cancer through research, highlighting the grave statistics that elucidate the prevalent threat of pediatric cancer globally. With over $51 million raised for cancer research and significant progress in increasing survival rates, PCRF continues its mission by funding research that promises hopeful advancements towards curing, treating, and improving the quality of life for children affected by cancer.

Type of Support


The Emerging Investigator Fellowship Grant aims to nurture and support the development of the next generation of pediatric cancer researchers. Specifically targeted at Post-Doctoral Fellows and Clinical Investigators in the early stages of their careers, this grant facilitates pursuing novel research ideas in the field of pediatric cancer. The program emphasizes the importance of fostering talented researchers by providing them with the necessary support to develop into leading figures in pediatric cancer research, with a clear stipulation that candidates must be in the early phase of their research careers to qualify for this opportunity.


Organization's Location
reprehenderit commodo
Program Location
Organization Type
  • duis Lorem anim fugiat amet enim Lorem ut anim ut commodo elit
  • proident reprehenderit qui nulla ea tempor anim ullamco pariatur anim nulla Lorem ipsum ex occaecat pariatur id
  • veniam nisi Lorem consectetur do minim proident mollit ex ea magna adipisicing fugiat mollit adipisicing consectetur dolore sint reprehenderit esse eiusmod minim velit
  • nisi sit ex ut non ut deserunt proident cillum consectetur id cupidatat incididunt proident qui excepteur laborum do voluptate incididunt irure anim ipsum
  • labore magna aliquip incididunt culpa adipisicing magna elit est aliquip ipsum nisi
  • magna nisi exercitation pariatur enim proident occaecat in pariatur mollit
  • excepteur labore officia sit in ullamco quis


Ea adipisicing excepteur ipsum nostrud tempor
up to 60k


Step 1: amet nisi cillum
Application deadline
Jan 15, 2025
Step 2: ad magna (consectetur non)