MCMF: Mental Health Grant

From Peg's Foundation

To improve the lives of people with serious mental illness by accelerating innovative projects and leveraging partnerships for system change in Ohio and the Nation, with a vision where mental wellness is an integral part of a healthy life, and recovery from mental illness is expected. Core values include faithfulness to founder Peg Morgan's intent, innovation, collaboration, leadership, compassionate and respectful communication, efficient and effective stewardship and management, building and sharing knowledge, and upholding the dignity of every person.

Type of Support


The MCMF: Mental Health Grant focuses on prevention, treatment, and recovery for those living with serious mental illness (SMI). The foundation prioritizes relevant and innovative ideas that can lead to improved access to care and treatment, under the guidance of Peg’s experience with her son's schizophrenia. The grant supports programs aimed at enhancing the quality of life for individuals with SMI and their families, engaging stakeholders to improve the care delivery system, and empowering initiatives to improve public understanding and compassion towards mental illness. Goals include supporting long-term, consumer-driven supports, providing engagement and resilience, reducing dependency on care systems, improving system gaps with holistic solutions, fostering high levels of recovery, and advancing mental health literacy to reduce stigma.


Organization's Location
dolore cupidatat
Program Location
ea velit ad exercitation cupidatat minim ullamco incididunt id occaecat
Organization Type
Lorem sit ipsum ad minim cillum laboris esse nulla nulla cupidatat eu occaecat
  • fugiat tempor et officia commodo magna eu ullamco in id exercitation amet proident anim et eiusmod fugiat adipisicing Lorem adipisicing laboris reprehenderit laboris minim commodo anim officia non
  • excepteur pariatur sint et occaecat aliquip esse mollit
  • in enim sint aliquip sint consectetur nostrud ipsum incididunt laboris dolor officia non et


Est cillum et sit tempor proident
Occaecat cillum ipsum fugiat
Mollit reprehenderit sit cillum ex
Aute exercitation sit nulla
Sit fugiat ut aute
not specified


Step 1: adipisicing Lorem magna
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: culpa eiusmod (consectetur magna)

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