Peoples Gas Charitable Contributions

From Peoples Gas

Peoples Gas is committed to energizing initiatives that improve lives and enhance futures in Chicago through contributions focused on education and neighborhood development. The mission extends to building strong relationships with customers, business partners, investors, employees, and the broader community, aiming to create vibrant, healthy communities for the future. This commitment is demonstrated through both financial contributions and volunteer efforts by employees, who contribute over 2,000 hours annually to community programs.

Type of Support


The Peoples Gas Contributions program provides financial support and volunteer resources to organizations within its service territory, aiming to build and sustain vibrant, healthy communities. The grant program supports a wide variety of causes, including arts (performance and visual arts organizations, public libraries, and museums), community and neighborhood development (job training, housing revitalization focusing on conservation and energy efficiency, home safety, affordable housing, and economic development), education (environment-focused curriculum, teacher development, enhancement of core curriculum), human services and health (primary health care emphasizing wellness and prevention, services for children, the elderly, the homeless, people with disabilities, and victims of domestic abuse), and environmental initiatives (energy conservation, environmental awareness, resolution of environmental challenges, and community green programs). These grants are available as unrestricted or program-directed, targeting organizations that align with these cause areas.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type


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