Catalyze Fund

From Pillars Fund

The mission of the funder, Pillars, is to invest in a vibrant network of Muslim leaders who are developing multidisciplinary approaches to tackle complex challenges of inequity and injustice, thereby catalyzing just public policy and social change.

Type of Support


The Catalyze Fund by Pillars focuses on supporting Muslim-centered, justice-focused organizations. The grant targets entities working within three specific areas:

  1. Reimagining Public Safety - This area emphasizes ending the unjust criminalization of communities, addressing issues like mass surveillance, racial and religious profiling, and promoting community-driven safety solutions.
  2. Promoting Mental Health and Wellness - It highlights the need for accessible, adequate, spiritually, and culturally relevant mental health care for Muslims, engaging in activities such as mental health awareness, education, coalition building, and suicide prevention.
  3. Building Civic Power - This focuses on fostering transparency, engagement, and participation in democracy, including organizing communities, civic media creation, voter mobilization, and research to reshape systems for greater good.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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