RWSF Direct Grants

From Red Wing Shoe Foundation

The purpose of the RWSF is to improve the lives and communities in which our employees and business partners live and work. The focus is to further education, promote the arts and sciences, enhance our natural environment, and provide opportunities for experiencing and enjoying our natural environment.

Type of Support


The Red Wing Shoe Foundation grants are awarded to organizations that work to improve the lives and communities of its employees and business partners, focus on projects that enhance the education of youth particularly in the arts, science, and math, support the wellbeing of at-risk youth, develop and enhance awareness and protection of our natural environment, and enhance job or career readiness. The Foundation upholds a policy of non-discrimination based on race, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, national or ethnic origin, or physical disability.


Organization's Location
amet et
Program Location
fugiat laboris officia voluptate esse ullamco
Organization Type
Exercitation sint minim velit irure minim consectetur
  • eu mollit proident elit ea ut elit reprehenderit sunt consectetur nostrud reprehenderit ut velit


Dolor aliquip ut deserunt anim minim
Laboris laborum quis mollit mollit pariatur mollit eu aliqua
Aliquip adipisicing
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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