Gerstacker Foundation Grant

    The Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation was established by Mrs. Eda U. Gerstacker in 1957 to provide financial aid to a wide range of charities supported by Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Gerstacker during their lifetimes, emphasizing support in Michigan and Ohio.

    Type of Support


    The Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation focuses on supporting various causes such as homes for the elderly, health care and research, educational institutions from K-12 to higher education, family services, youth activities, faith-based initiatives, public service, arts and culture, environmental conservation, public policy initiatives, and advanced non-profit research. It has particularly invested in the revitalization of Midland’s downtown and riverfront, affordable housing for the elderly, and programs that address social and economic challenges for families. The foundation provides grants to organizations in Michigan and Ohio, with a strong focus on communities where Dow operations are located and where the Gerstackers lived.


    Organization's Location
    sit amet
    Program Location
    amet do aliquip
    Organization Type
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    not specified


    Contact info
    Jane Doe
    (555) 555-5555
    Review Criteria

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