Sartain Lanier Family Foundation Grants

The Sartain Lanier Foundation focuses on building meaningful relationships with organizations aiming to inspire young people to achieve their personal goals and positively impact their communities. It honors the values of its founder, Sartain Lanier, by prioritizing humility, opportunity, and impact in its efforts to support youth through educational initiatives.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Sartain Lanier Foundation is dedicated to fostering the personal and academic development of young people, with a strong emphasis on literacy, afterschool and summer programs, and college and career readiness. It champions highly collaborative and evidence-informed solutions to improve educational outcomes. Specifically, it seeks to fund programs that:

  • Use evidence-backed methods to enhance student literacy.
  • Include rigorous evaluations for ongoing improvement.
  • Foster collaborations among different stakeholders to support children's learning.
  • Provide meaningful connections with adults in afterschool and summer learning contexts, contributing to higher engagement and academic achievement.
  • Support students in navigating the financial and procedural aspects of post-secondary education and career exploration. The foundation encourages initiatives that are accessible to families at low or no cost and that actively involve partnerships with families and schools to ensure a comprehensive support system for young people.


Organization's Location
tempor sint
Program Location
enim in et magna consequat sunt mollit consequat elit aliqua
Organization Type
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  • ut sit commodo ad non laboris do incididunt ad esse do
  • dolore est nostrud duis ex do duis elit excepteur consectetur velit consectetur consequat do magna sit


Eiusmod id laboris incididunt aliquip consequat commodo
Nulla aute
Proident mollit dolor tempor
Quis cillum enim cillum sint sunt consectetur nostrud
Ea aute deserunt do nulla
up to 30k


Step 1: et culpa nisi
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: incididunt non (anim occaecat)

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