McClure Family Foundation Grant

From McClure Family Foundation

The McClure Family Foundation is a not for profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization whose mission is to continue the tradition started by Charles and Dorothy to provide financial support to worthy charitable organizations located primarily in the State of Georgia and to ensure the ongoing involvement of their children and future generations of the McClure family in their philanthropic ideals.

Type of Support


As a foundation, we acknowledge the gift of family and seek to support programs in the areas of:

  • the arts
  • historic preservation
  • education
  • faith-based initiatives
  • the well-being of mankind


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Governmental units
Established churches
not specified


Review Criteria

While it's not mandatory, the Foundation's board members, who are actively engaged in community activities, have a preference for applicants to have an established personal connection with a member prior to submitting an application.

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