SBHSN: Community Grants

From School-Based Healthcare Solutions Network, Inc.

Utilizing a unique framework of funding systems from the Department of Health and Human Services, managed care organizations, health insurers, and private donors, the School-Based Healthcare Solutions Network (SBHSN) promotes a care model that provides a mix of evidence-based intervention, prevention, and care coordination services to children in grades K-12. The aim is to expand access to quality mental healthcare on public school campuses and improve outcomes in children's social, emotional, behavioral, family, and wellness areas.

Type of Support


The Community Grants program by SBHSN aims to facilitate the integration of highly skilled clinicians into schools, after-school, and youth summer programs. The key objectives include enhancing access to counseling services for school-aged youth who might otherwise lack such access, and promoting awareness of mental health issues among youths and adults in educational and local community settings. The program offers individual grants of up to $100,000, with a requirement for a 40% cost-sharing match from the recipients.


Organization's Location
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up to 100k


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