Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Foundation: Criminal Justice Grants

The Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Foundation aims to be a catalyst for positive change in the lives of those living with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder by awarding grants to organizations and institutions that tangibly impact the mental health field. The foundation envisions a world where those afflicted no longer feel isolated, inspired by the life of Sidney R. Baer, Jr., a brilliant businessman limited by his schizophrenia. It focuses on grant segments believed to make the most significant difference for those suffering from serious mental illnesses.

Type of Support


The foundation has crafted its grant programs around five critical areas believed to significantly benefit those suffering from serious mental illness, which includes education, criminal justice, reintegration, clinical research, and social support. Specifically, the Criminal Justice Grants program addresses the disproportionate impact of the criminal justice system on individuals with serious mental illness, aiming to support pre-arrest treatment options, training for law enforcement officials, and access to specialized legal services. This initiative reflects a broader goal to enhance the quality of life for those impacted by mental illness, using Sidney R. Baer, Jr.'s experiences as a guiding benchmark for potential benefits.


Organization's Location
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Culpa fugiat laborum Lorem sunt voluptate aliqua enim ad irure
  • ad eu esse fugiat aliqua elit dolor deserunt
  • sint ea enim aliquip dolor nisi ipsum velit aute nulla mollit reprehenderit minim ex magna sunt
  • anim velit nostrud sunt exercitation ex id incididunt culpa proident fugiat ex est ex


Et fugiat ut dolor aliquip magna officia consectetur nulla
Nisi cupidatat
Voluptate anim occaecat ut esse ullamco aliquip ullamco sunt nulla nulla
Deserunt excepteur sit dolor magna labore ullamco cillum eu esse et labore eiusmod veniam Lorem
Eiusmod minim sint
Sit proident
Aliquip Lorem cupidatat
not specified


Step 1: aliqua tempor ex
Application deadline
Dec 19, 2024
Step 2: anim tempor (duis commodo)