The Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology (SNVB) is dedicated to the study and conservation of vertebrate animals in Northwestern North America west of the Great Plains and north of the Mojave Desert. Through research, education, and advocacy, the society aims to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of vertebrate species and their ecosystems, promoting scientific inquiry and conservation efforts within this geographic scope.
The grant program offered by SNVB provides scholarships to support undergraduate or graduate students conducting vertebrate research within their geographic focus area. For the year mentioned, SNVB has increased its offering to two scholarships of $1000 each. These scholarships are intended to help cover expenses related to the research project, including travel, equipment, and supplies. The aim is to foster scientific research and education among students in relevant fields, ensuring the advancement of knowledge and conservation efforts for vertebrate species in Northwestern North America. Each applicant is eligible to receive only one award per year.
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