The Spirit of St. Louis Women’s Fund strengthens the Greater St. Louis community through informed, focused grant-making. They educate and inspire women to engage in significant giving with a commitment to equity, diversity, collaboration, inclusiveness, transparency, and accountability, advocating for a world where all people can live full lives free of prejudice, discrimination, and oppression.
The grant program from The Spirit of St. Louis Women’s Fund supports nonprofit organizations in the Greater St. Louis community, focusing on areas such as Arts and Culture, Education, Environment, Health, and Social Services. It offers single-year grants ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 for general operating support, project/program support, and capacity building, enhancing organizations' effectiveness and sustainability. Additionally, in the 2022-2023 cycle, a new multi-year eligibility was introduced for one renewable three-year accelerator grant totaling $100,000. Applicants for this must demonstrate a history of success, collaboration, strong leadership, a clear and visionary multi-year plan addressing an urgent need, the potential for significant impact, and detailed objectives and budget for each year. Organizations applying for multi-year grants can't apply for single-year grants in the same cycle, with exceptions under certain conditions.
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