Sudbury Program Grant

From The Sudbury Foundation

The Sudbury Foundation is a private foundation working to transform lives and strengthen communities through grant making and scholarship programs in Sudbury, MA and surrounding communities.

Type of Support


The Sudbury Program Grant provides funding for quality of life issues in Sudbury, MA. Funding categories for the Sudbury Program Grant include:

  • Youth Development and Opportunity: to help young people realize their full potential and become caring, concerned citizens

    • Build leadership skills and provide leadership opportunities
    • Encourage youth to get involved and to give back to the community (local, regional, national, world)
    • Enhance academic enrichment, cultural and recreational programs and opportunities
    • Support and strengthen activities that promote healthy behaviors
  • Preserving Community Character and Assets: to preserve the Town’s natural, historic and other community assets

    • Preserve the Town’s historic resources and landmarks, celebrate its storied history and enhance its natural character and charm
    • Protect, restore and care for the Town’s air, land, water and habitats
  • Community Building/Town Betterment: to strengthen community resources and engender a greater sense of community

    • Encourage participation in community events and civic affairs
    • Create a climate of acceptance and tolerance in which diversity is embraced and respect is demonstrated to all people
    • Nurture local philanthropy and volunteerism
    • Support Town betterment projects, as appropriate
  • Underserved Populations: to support underserved citizens

    • Strengthen assistance to underserved populations including seniors, low-income residents, and those facing physical, emotional health and other challenges.


Organization's Location
Program Location
MA (Sudbury)
Organization Type
Town of Sudbury
Departments of Sudbury
Public Schools
Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School
  • If your nonprofit is based outside of Sudbury, you must speak to staff before applying for a Sudbury Program Grant.
  • Applicants are encouraged to discuss their needs with Foundation staff prior to submitting a full proposal.
  • While we do not rule out requests for any particular type of assistance, we generally do not provide ongoing operating support, offset deficits, contribute to general appeals, purchase benefit tickets, fund efforts understood to be the responsibility of government or support religious activities.


Religious activities
not specified


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