Animal Protection Program Grants

Founded in 1988, The Summerlee Foundation is a mission-driven, proactive organization dedicated to the support of animal protection and the preservation of Texas history. The Foundation makes grants for two specific purposes: to alleviate fear, pain and suffering of animals and to promote animal protection and the prevention of cruelty to animals, and to research, promote and document all facets of Texas History.

Type of Support


The Summerlee Foundation's grant program focuses on aiding the most overlooked, underfunded, and heavily exploited animals, prioritizing small to medium-sized organizations where their funding can have a significant impact. Their goals are to balance urgent, direct care with addressing the root causes of animal suffering for systemic change. Specific areas of support include:

  • Sterilization and vaccination for cats in the US and Canada, especially in rural or underserved areas, to combat overpopulation and homelessness.
  • Support for dogs in the US, Latin America, and First Nations/Native American communities, focusing on sterilization, vaccination, and humane euthanasia.
  • Funding for ethical research and advocacy to protect wildlife such as mountain lions, bobcats, coyotes, and black bears.
  • Addressing marine mammal issues, their health and well-being, and opposing captivity, especially for dolphins and orcas.
  • Support for captive wild animal sanctuaries verified or accredited by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries.
  • Emphasis on wildlife rehabilitation through hands-on care, including emergency rescue, food, medication, and housing improvements.


Organization's Location
esse aute, fugiat enim, sunt consequat, id id, nisi velit, ut aute, mollit labore, ad sunt
Program Location
Organization Type
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Sint cupidatat elit eu quis excepteur nisi laboris velit reprehenderit incididunt dolor qui sunt
  • ut exercitation fugiat tempor adipisicing et ipsum adipisicing fugiat est id nostrud ut consectetur ex sint dolore elit laboris
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Do et sit esse
Aliquip excepteur
Ea adipisicing
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Aliqua magna exercitation sint consequat do sit


Step 1: nulla exercitation voluptate
Step 2: eiusmod ea (irure ad)

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