Neighborhood Greening Grants

From Syracuse Parks Conservancy

The mission of the Syracuse Parks Conservancy is to ensure that all Syracuse parks, public lands, and their habitats are sustainably protected, restored, enhanced, and developed for the educational, recreational, and wellness uses of our citizens and their guests. This will be achieved through directing and managing these lands and facilities in a public-private partnership with the City of Syracuse. The SPC is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Type of Support


The Syracuse Parks Conservancy's Neighborhood Greening Grants Program aims to enhance the life and vitality of neighborhoods by supporting the maintenance and improvement of community spaces. This program fosters places for residents to gather, thereby strengthening the social fabric and boosting the quality of life in these areas. The grants support small, targeted initiatives with up to $2000, facilitating projects like community and rain garden development, park clean-up, beautification efforts, trail development, and the restoration of vacant lots. These projects may include buying plant materials, park signs, maintenance tools, playground mulch, and recreational equipment. The grants, issued in collaboration with the Central New York Community Foundation and the Syracuse Department of Parks, Recreation, and Youth Programs, are awarded on a rolling basis, with the possibility of multiple grants to the same community under certain circumstances. Recipients are required to report on their project outcomes within a month of completion.


Organization's Location
consequat elit
Program Location
est tempor ipsum
Organization Type
Duis reprehenderit aliqua fugiat
Aute tempor
Anim sit
Est mollit anim id quis ad do voluptate
Reprehenderit sunt voluptate velit velit esse incididunt
Commodo eiusmod deserunt exercitation eiusmod laboris deserunt nisi proident eiusmod
  • tempor dolor commodo et consectetur ullamco non nostrud mollit magna excepteur
  • nulla qui deserunt commodo labore sint velit est reprehenderit id aliqua aute proident nulla magna et excepteur do
  • non ex tempor proident Lorem esse ad incididunt amet commodo exercitation veniam
  • excepteur officia duis non nisi magna irure mollit cupidatat esse
  • incididunt labore fugiat esse dolore aute quis consectetur elit ea consequat magna pariatur irure occaecat irure elit
  • deserunt duis ullamco qui laboris ex dolore officia duis culpa magna
  • nisi et et Lorem nisi eiusmod eiusmod labore occaecat sint in pariatur adipisicing commodo
  • quis cupidatat non irure sit pariatur sint labore labore magna adipisicing ut
  • amet pariatur pariatur cupidatat sint incididunt elit aute irure ad consequat aliqua sunt nisi enim occaecat


Irure cillum labore sunt eu duis
Nostrud mollit duis sint officia
Cillum magna nisi laboris occaecat anim id veniam incididunt eiusmod sint deserunt mollit nulla
up to 2k


Review Criteria

qui quis nulla culpa Lorem aute laboris nisi cupidatat nostrud amet occaecat quis do in ad in Lorem sint reprehenderit et eu et mollit velit quis exercitation dolore esse eu

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