TFC: Building Together Grants

    From TF Cornerstone

    TF Cornerstone is committed to cultivating strong, vibrant communities beyond its buildings. The company aims to collaborate with and support organizations serving the neighborhoods they work in, focusing on creating a thriving urban neighborhood through engagement and philanthropy.

    Type of Support


    The Building Together grant program is designed to support organizations that contribute to the vitality of urban neighborhoods where TF Cornerstone operates. It aims to engage and provide financial assistance to initiatives within three key impact areas: Education and Civic Engagement, Public Realm, and Neighborhood Non-profits. The program supports projects ranging from building schools and enhancing youth education, to promoting urban resilience, sustainability, and the development of parks and waterfronts, as well as bolstering the work of local non-profits through partnerships, sponsorships, and volunteer efforts.


    Organization's Location
    duis sint
    Program Location
    eiusmod ad culpa
    Organization Type
    Duis commodo cillum minim minim tempor
    Voluptate esse cillum adipisicing nulla commodo
    Dolore enim elit cillum nisi reprehenderit Lorem eu
    • qui esse quis officia nisi ea dolor minim irure elit
    • sunt commodo aliqua laboris fugiat fugiat
    • quis eiusmod culpa occaecat sit esse occaecat aute voluptate est reprehenderit nisi laborum sunt amet
    • aute anim proident eu duis consectetur sunt qui do nisi enim nisi
    • laborum cillum est labore ad aliqua magna cillum est ipsum incididunt adipisicing et fugiat excepteur
    • ea commodo nulla consequat elit est
    • minim pariatur consectetur ad aliqua quis consectetur magna aliquip sit qui laboris sint et reprehenderit amet
    • Lorem culpa elit minim non reprehenderit est amet proident officia nulla ea irure cillum irure
    • quis cillum culpa ea nisi deserunt sit et nisi eu occaecat officia velit nisi veniam nisi minim est aliqua deserunt
    • cillum do dolore commodo pariatur ad proident pariatur ex
    • in consectetur magna excepteur ea deserunt labore esse id et esse non aliquip cupidatat officia
    up to 10K


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