TFC: Building Together Grants

From TF Cornerstone

TF Cornerstone is committed to cultivating strong, vibrant communities beyond its buildings. The company aims to collaborate with and support organizations serving the neighborhoods they work in, focusing on creating a thriving urban neighborhood through engagement and philanthropy.

Type of Support


The Building Together grant program is designed to support organizations that contribute to the vitality of urban neighborhoods where TF Cornerstone operates. It aims to engage and provide financial assistance to initiatives within three key impact areas: Education and Civic Engagement, Public Realm, and Neighborhood Non-profits. The program supports projects ranging from building schools and enhancing youth education, to promoting urban resilience, sustainability, and the development of parks and waterfronts, as well as bolstering the work of local non-profits through partnerships, sponsorships, and volunteer efforts.


Organization's Location
Program Location
NY (Queens County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Organizations located in New York City
Organizations with a minimum of 3 years experience
  • Located in or doing work in Long Island City
  • Must have bold, feasible ideas
  • Must have a clear mission and understanding of the necessary steps to accomplish it
  • Must have strong, committed leadership and an active board of directors
  • Must have existing evaluation procedures or a willingness to evaluate programs and measure outcomes
  • Must have experienced, competent staff
  • Must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and have a policy of affirmative action
  • Must demonstrate an existing or developing service offering or project for project support grants
  • Must demonstrate ability to use general support grants to increase quantity, quality, or efficiency of services, operations, or capacity
  • Must demonstrate ability to provide sustained impact post-grant
  • Must clarify the metrics used to evaluate performance of the funded program or initiative
up to 10k


Visit Apply for more information.

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