TJX Foundation Grants

Our mission is to deliver great value to our customers every day. For over four decades, our commitment to providing value and caring for others has extended beyond our stores, distribution centers, and offices into the communities around the world. Our global community mission is to deliver great value to our communities by helping vulnerable families and children access the resources and opportunities they need to build a better future.

Type of Support


The grant program by TJX focuses on supporting vulnerable families and children by addressing their basic needs and empowering them through education, training, and healthcare. The broad goal is to help these communities build better futures. Specifically, the grants support nonprofit organizations working in four key social impact areas: providing basic needs such as meals, clean clothing, and safe shelter; offering education and training for school and career success; delivering services to those facing health challenges; and programs empowering women, including those fleeing domestic violence and those in need of job placement resources. Applications for funding are by invitation only after an initial eligibility and inquiry process.


Organization's Location
laborum elit
Program Location
Organization Type
Duis quis amet excepteur labore mollit aliqua ut fugiat
  • incididunt incididunt commodo officia Lorem in reprehenderit amet reprehenderit cillum mollit exercitation dolor
  • occaecat dolore sint amet exercitation elit cillum cillum proident cillum occaecat do
  • anim proident Lorem adipisicing Lorem cillum enim nostrud elit


Aliqua consectetur
Pariatur consequat
Aute et
Nisi sit sunt in
Eiusmod enim esse incididunt exercitation labore aute commodo est excepteur deserunt est deserunt
Laborum sit veniam
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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