When Georgia Smiled Grant

From When Georgia Smiled: The Robin McGraw Revelation and Dr. Phil Foundation

The Robin McGraw and Dr. Phil Foundation is dedicated to supporting organizations and programs aiding victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, and those in crisis to achieve healthy, safe, and joy-filled lives. It extends its support to communities impacted by disasters, leveraging the platform of Dr. Phil McGraw’s talk show to promote psychology and address significant social issues.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on several key areas: Domestic Violence, where it supports programs aiding victims to live safe and healthy lives, with a preference for prevention and service expansion; Children and Foster Care, emphasizing the well-being and support of children through services like housing, hunger relief, and education, with a note on the significance of family reunification and adoption; and Disaster Relief, providing resources in times of crisis with restrictions on solicitation.


Organization's Location
laborum cillum
Program Location
Organization Type
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