Topeka Community Foundation: Healthy Lifestyles Grants

From Topeka Community Foundation

Since 1983, the Topeka Community Foundation has aimed to enhance the quality of life in its region by fostering active partnerships with donors, individuals, families, businesses, and nonprofit organizations. It focuses on positive change through effective charitable giving and manages nearly 400 charitable funds representing a commitment to community betterment.

Type of Support


The Healthy Lifestyles Grants seek to support initiatives that improve communal health and well-being. The fund is open to requests for a variety of needs, including but not limited to staff salaries, marketing expenses, technology, strategic planning, and consultants. The goal is to foster healthy communities through strategic investment in projects that advance the cause of healthy living.


Organization's Location
do elit
Program Location
aute proident in nulla aliquip quis labore fugiat veniam amet
Organization Type
  • aliquip dolore eu Lorem cillum nisi sunt mollit quis elit esse voluptate consequat exercitation mollit ad


Duis esse ex reprehenderit cupidatat nostrud
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Veniam consectetur sit
Aute voluptate ipsum
Ipsum eu
up to 40k


Visit Apply for more information.

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