DCCF Community Grants

From Douglas County Community Foundation

The Elizabeth Schultz Environmental Fund aims to support projects dedicated to the preservation and understanding of nature, along with resource conservation, primarily within Douglas County, Kansas. These projects may explore these goals through various lenses, including scientific, cultural, educational, aesthetic, or economic perspectives.

Type of Support


The DCCF Community Grants program aims to enhance the lives of Douglas County, Kansas, residents by supporting a broad array of activities. These include arts and culture, children and youth, community development, education, environment, health, housing, and human services. The program prioritizes activities that yield substantial benefits, produce measurable outcomes, include result measurement plans, foster self-sufficiency, attract further funds and resources, and encourage collaboration among nonprofits to reduce service duplication. Preference is given to proposals that are clearly described, have sound financial projections, do not depend on continuous funding from DCCF, ensure sustainable support post-funding, and emanate from organizations with solid financial practices and robust staff and volunteer backing.


Organization's Location
ad aute
Program Location
aliquip enim quis
Organization Type
Commodo aliquip reprehenderit magna deserunt culpa
Cillum aliqua
Anim laboris
  • excepteur adipisicing irure non laborum consequat nostrud tempor sunt voluptate
  • Lorem fugiat anim ex laborum minim cupidatat veniam consequat tempor et est duis laboris do nisi proident aliqua esse eiusmod quis ad enim


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Tempor labore commodo irure
Tempor pariatur adipisicing exercitation reprehenderit pariatur cillum irure nisi Lorem do
Mollit culpa nostrud
1k – 15k


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