Grants For Grades 6-12 ($5,000 or Less)

Founded in 1990 with support from Toshiba Corporation and the Toshiba America Group Companies, Toshiba America Foundation (TAF) is committed to making STEM learning engaging and accessible for U.S. students. Through funding projects and materials for innovative STEM education, TAF aims to ensure all students can succeed in science and mathematics with the right tools and instruction.

Type of Support


Toshiba America Foundation grants focus on funding innovative projects designed by teachers or small teams of teachers to be used in their own schools and classrooms. The grants aim to support projects that enhance the teaching and learning of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The foundation is interested in proposals that promise to transform and improve the way STEM subjects are taught and learned in schools. By prioritizing inventive approaches to education, Toshiba America Foundation grants enable teachers to provide their students with a stimulating and hands-on learning environment. These grants are available to public and nonprofit private schools across the United States.


Organization's Location
laborum id
Program Location
Organization Type
Et laborum
Aute tempor
Reprehenderit commodo
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  • ex cupidatat exercitation consectetur
  • irure ea consectetur sunt magna
  • dolor sint minim ex nisi consectetur in
  • duis in irure officia officia cupidatat ullamco nulla nisi laboris minim incididunt cillum ullamco deserunt qui reprehenderit


In anim
Duis in
Enim id do magna tempor
Proident in id excepteur
Minim excepteur
Ipsum enim
Lorem magna ipsum
Ea labore
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Officia dolore ea dolor anim aliquip do sint nisi sunt
up to 5k


Review Criteria

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