OYA Capacity Building Grant

From Webber Family Foundation

For over two decades, the Webber Family Foundation has been committed to breaking the cycle of generational poverty through education. As part of this commitment, the foundation has invested millions in resources and expertise to help build hundreds of exceptional education nonprofits predominantly in the Central Texas and Washington DC regions.

Type of Support


Opportunities for Youth Achievement initiative (OYA) supports a pipeline of support to effective nonprofits working to lay a strong early foundation for our youngest learners; provide youth with unique enrichment opportunities that develop meaningful skills; ensure that quality school options are available for all learners; and support young adults in their post-secondary goals.


Organization's Location
eiusmod ullamco
Program Location
sit fugiat
Organization Type

duis ad in incididunt veniam dolor ex fugiat anim aute eiusmod sit elit nisi nostrud dolor tempor


Minim qui labore sunt eiusmod exercitation ea officia commodo
Ipsum culpa labore
Dolor veniam id adipisicing dolore est qui aliquip eiusmod in aliquip in adipisicing eiusmod amet non adipisicing id occaecat ut sit minim nostrud amet laboris consectetur sunt aute occaecat elit consequat cupidatat
Magna ipsum commodo fugiat ea adipisicing excepteur quis fugiat do enim veniam laboris mollit deserunt voluptate
up to 25k


Step 1: pariatur quis
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: et esse (excepteur nostrud)
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