Weil Foundation Grant

From The Weil Foundation

Andrew Weil created the Weil Foundation as a long-term funding mechanism for the advancement of integrative medicine through training, research, the education of the public, and policy reform.

Type of Support


The Weil Foundation supports the advancement of Integrative Medicine. They support organizations and programs related to the training and education of medical students, physicians and other healthcare professionals in Integrative Medicine.

The Foundation offers grants are usually "start-up" grants to assist medical schools and/or residency programs to develop educational programs in integrative medicine.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Medical Schools
501(c)(3) non-profit healthcare organizations
  • The Weil foundation does not cover indirect costs.
  • If any material does not exist in electronic form, indicate in your covering e-mail that such material is being sent by regular mail to Christine Willett.
not specified


You may submit applications every year.
Required Attachments
Project Budget
501(c)(3) Letter
Contact info
Donald Abrams & Christine Willett
(520) 647-7865
Christine Willett, The Weil Foundation, P.O. Box 13006, Tucson, AZ 85732
Review Criteria
  • Proposals should describe how your project may produce benefits that go beyond your own organization and community and affect the larger effort to advance integrative medicine. 
  • If the Weil Foundation has supported your work in the past, explain how the proposed project builds on your past Weil Foundation-supported efforts.

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