Impact Youth Grants

From Ashland County Community Foundation

The mission of the Ashland County Community Foundation is to strengthen charitable partners in Ashland County through financial assistance, ultimately benefiting the local community and enhancing the quality of life for its residents.

Type of Support


The Community Grants Program by the Ashland County Community Foundation aims to support nonprofit and qualified organizations within Ashland County in achieving their objectives. The program focuses on various aspects of financial assistance including project grants, program development, seed money, equipment purchase, building or renovation projects, capital campaigns, and matching or challenge grants. A special segment of this program, the IMPACT Youth Grants, is dedicated to funding initiatives that serve the welfare of children and teenagers in the community.


Organization's Location
dolore magna
Program Location
anim magna enim
Organization Type
Sit consectetur qui pariatur aute fugiat
Sint veniam magna incididunt
  • nulla do consectetur duis sint fugiat tempor eiusmod non esse minim dolore


Consequat nisi proident occaecat dolore qui
Consequat ipsum id
Culpa consequat
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Ea laboris elit
Sint tempor nulla ad eiusmod
up to 1.5k


Visit Apply for more information.

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