AF: Grants - $5,000 and Below

The Ashtabula Foundation is dedicated to supporting non-profit, charitable organizations within Ashtabula County. It aims to serve people in need, prioritizing Human Services in its grantmaking, but also considers other requests based on available funds, criteria, and potential community impact.

Type of Support


The Ashtabula Foundation provides grants up to $5,000 for various categories. These include Human Services, Arts/Culture, Historical, Education, Recreation, Conservation, Community Development, Religion, and Other. Applications are reviewed by a committee which aims to make decisions swiftly. The primary goal is to support projects that have a significant impact on recipients and the broader community within Ashtabula County.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
ut fugiat tempor
Organization Type
Amet incididunt Lorem veniam velit occaecat
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  • aliqua aliquip tempor irure dolor anim Lorem occaecat ea duis voluptate ex excepteur
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Culpa ex ea occaecat
up to 5k


Visit Apply for more information.

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