Avnet Cares Grants

From Avnet Inc.

Avnet’s mission in community engagement is to foster a culture of service through employee volunteerism and charitable giving, focusing on STEM, diversity, environmental sustainability, and aid for communities in crisis. They aim to make a positive impact worldwide, extending their responsibility beyond business and financial goals, underlining their long history of community involvement.

Type of Support


The grant program by Avnet aims to provide small grants to nonprofit organizations in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. These grants support initiatives that have a significant impact on the communities where Avnet operates. The key areas of focus for these grants include STEM education, helping traditionally under-resourced communities through diversity and inclusion efforts, promoting environmental sustainability, and providing aid to communities in crisis. The program reflects Avnet’s commitment to making a difference in the world by investing in projects that lead to positive social and environmental outcomes.


Organization's Location
Canada, Mexico, USA
Program Location
Canada, Mexico, USA
Organization Type
501(c)(3) nonprofits
Government-recognized charities
  • Must fit within focus areas: STEM, DEI, Environment, Communities in Crisis
  • Must have been in existence for three years or longer


Individual robotics teams already supported by Avnet through AZ FIRST Robotics
Entities seeking goodwill advertising
Annual fund drives
Endowment or capital improvement campaigns
Projects aiming to influence elections or legislation
Private foundations under IRS Code Section 509(a)
Organizations promoting or practicing discrimination
Political, religious, or fraternal organizations
Youth sports events
1k – 25k


Review Criteria

Priority is afforded to organizations that benefit or have a direct impact on communities where significant Avnet operations are established.

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