Bothin Foundation Grant

The Bothin Foundation aims to enhance the capacity of nonprofits through providing grants for durable capital investments. They target their support towards organizations dedicated to disadvantaged children and youth (ages 0 to 24), low-income families, and people with disabilities, including K-12 schools exclusively serving children with learning differences. The foundation focuses on social service, academic enrichment, youth development, arts, and environmental initiatives.

Type of Support


The Bothin Foundation grant program supports nonprofit organizations through several types of capital grants. The aim is to empower these organizations by funding durable capital investments that have a direct impact on their service delivery. The program encompasses:

  • Building Renovation Grants: To fund contracted labor for construction projects, excluding staff time for project management.
  • Equipment & Furnishings: To support the purchase of furniture and equipment crucial for the organization’s operations, with a priority on items directly benefiting program participants.
  • Technology Grants: Geared towards purchasing technology equipment for use by program participants while generally offering one-time grants for organizational infrastructure needs, with exclusions on website development and software.
  • Vehicle Projects: Focused on funding vehicles essential for transporting participants, excluding costs related to insurance, fuel, advertising, and warranties.

These grants are crafted to enhance the capacity of organizations to serve disadvantaged communities effectively, reflecting a broad commitment to facilitating immediate and tangible improvements in service provision.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
Elit duis elit ullamco id
In fugiat elit veniam aute
  • labore ullamco ullamco sit deserunt amet culpa minim ex magna esse minim ut nostrud eiusmod
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  • sint cillum reprehenderit sit do incididunt est ut est cupidatat non sunt ad esse nulla
  • adipisicing veniam Lorem quis in esse reprehenderit commodo laboris exercitation amet eiusmod Lorem nisi mollit amet
  • sunt incididunt tempor ullamco sint aliquip ex tempor reprehenderit consectetur incididunt fugiat id mollit ut in commodo elit culpa cillum
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Et elit elit mollit do non
Culpa nulla pariatur cillum dolore in do reprehenderit nulla incididunt pariatur ex
Laboris minim qui sit ipsum do nostrud voluptate ea ad nulla ea
Elit pariatur
Velit aute minim
Eiusmod duis
Pariatur do
5k – 50k


Visit Apply for more information.

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