Breakfast Exchange Club Foundation Grant

From Breakfast Exchange Club of Billings

The Breakfast Exchange Club Foundation is committed to supporting its community through financial contributions primarily, with a focus on projects that enhance the well-being of children, support disabled/handicapped individuals, improve park systems, combat drug abuse, encourage crime prevention, and more. The foundation invests thousands of man-hours annually in fundraising activities to support these causes.

Type of Support


The grant program seeks to support organizations that align with the foundation's priorities, including enhancing community service, supporting disabled/handicapped sports, developing park systems, and educational programs like Drug Abuse Resistance Education. The foundation also values projects that show innovation, have a significant impact on the lives of the people served, avoid duplicating existing services, and have a lasting effect on the community. Funding amounts typically range from $100 to $7,500, with most grants between $750 and $5,000. Preference is given to organizations where club members or their families volunteer.


Organization's Location
mollit labore
Program Location
consequat consequat veniam
Organization Type
Et velit fugiat cupidatat amet tempor
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  • et culpa qui excepteur ipsum nulla sunt nulla qui aliqua laborum sit non consectetur est tempor mollit exercitation tempor aliquip ipsum irure aute ad quis est commodo in esse qui pariatur
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100 – 7.5k


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