CA Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Grant Program

From California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)

DTSC’s Mission is to protect California’s people, communities, and environment from toxic substances, to enhance economic vitality by restoring contaminated land, and to compel manufacturers to make safer consumer products.

Type of Support


The CA Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Grant Program aims to support local governments, tribal entities, and nonprofits in assessing or cleaning up brownfields they own but are not potentially liable for under CERCLA section 107. The program focuses on two types of sites: those contaminated by hazardous substances or mixed contaminants, and those affected by petroleum. Fund uses include the cost to treat, remove, or mitigate environmental contamination; hazardous material or waste disposal fees; confirmation sampling or other cleanup-related sampling; and engineering controls. The program offers cleanup grants up to $350,000 and assessment grants up to $200,000, prioritizing projects that facilitate the safe redevelopment and reuse of contaminated properties.


Organization's Location
do ipsum
Program Location
Organization Type
Ullamco quis
Cillum fugiat
  • proident culpa amet qui id mollit ex exercitation
  • tempor ut esse enim esse mollit labore
  • officia fugiat consequat aute non cillum adipisicing anim quis est pariatur anim est exercitation cillum ea
  • Lorem quis reprehenderit ex quis
  • sint exercitation veniam duis proident pariatur Lorem magna ad irure laborum aliqua proident laborum voluptate ullamco officia aute
  • dolor ea reprehenderit sint exercitation eu proident voluptate magna
up to 350k


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