Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program: Southern

    From California Department of Conservation

    The Department of Conservation balances t​​oday's needs with tomorrow's challenges and fosters intelligent, sustainable, and efficient use of California's energy, land, and mineral resources.

    Type of Support


    The Regional Forest and Fire Capacity program is designed to enhance the regional ability to prioritize, develop, and execute projects that bolster forest health, fire resilience, and carbon sequestration across California. With a focus on adherence to the California Forest Carbon Plan and Executive Order B-52-18, the program distributes block grants to six regional entities and two statewide block grant recipients for tasks ranging from regional planning, project development, outreach, to implementation of forest health projects. Emphasizing broad and inclusive outreach, as well as collaborative decision-making, recipients are expected to engage in extensive partnership with a wide range of stakeholders. The initiative also prioritizes capacity building and equitable participation among local partners in planning and project development processes. Administered by the California Natural Resources Agency via the Department of Conservation, it recently received an additional $50 million to augment and expand its reach.


    Organization's Location
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    Organization Type
    not specified


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