Coastal Fund (CF) Grant - Minor Funding

From University of California, Santa Barbara

The mission of the Coastal Fund is to preserve, protect, and enhance the terrestrial and marine habitats associated with the shoreline of the University of California, Santa Barbara. Through initiatives in preservation, education, open access, research, and restoration, the fund aims to connect people and the environment. It focuses on supporting programs that celebrate, explore, and protect the coastal ecosystems around UCSB, adhering to core values of community, exploration, joy, opportunity, protection, and trust.

Type of Support


The Coastal Fund grants are designed to support projects and programs that align with the fund's mission to preserve, enhance, and protect the coastal ecosystems associated with the University of California, Santa Barbara. These efforts are achieved through various means, including preservation, education, research, and restoration projects, which must celebrate, explore, or protect local coastal environments. The grant program supports initiatives that demonstrate a strong connection to its mission and values. Eligible applicants include UCSB affiliated departments, registered non-partisan nonprofits, government agencies, and UCSB student organizations, although student groups are not eligible to receive funding for stipends or wages.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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up to 1k


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