Restoration Grant Programs: Addressing Climate Adaptation

From California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)

The mission of CDFW is to manage California’s diverse fish, wildlife, and plant resources, and the habitats upon which they depend, for their ecological values and for their use and enjoyment by the public.

Type of Support


The overview of the grant program detailed indicates that CDFW reviews concept proposals on an ongoing basis, offering grants for Drought, Climate, and Nature Based Solutions eligible projects. The broad goals of these grants include the protection or enhancement of biodiversity; climate change resiliency and connectivity; support for the State Wildlife Action Plan priority habitats; conservation or enhancement of working landscapes and water-related projects; and enhancement of public access. Specifically, the Restoration Grant Programs focus on funding projects that address the urgent needs stemming from degrading water and habitat conditions due to climate change impacts, with a portion of approximately $35 million made available for these purposes. Eligible uses for these funds include purchasing water to benefit wildlife, protecting instream flows, building water conservation projects, and implementing emergency restoration activities and conservation strategies, particularly those that protect Species of Greatest Conservation Need as identified in the State Wildlife Action Plan.


Organization's Location
Lorem irure
Program Location
Organization Type
not specified


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