CRP Research Grant & Mini Grant Program

From Center for Rural Pennsylvania

The Center for Rural Pennsylvania's mission is to promote and sustain the vitality of the state's rural and small communities. It aims to do this through actions such as administering grants for research on rural conditions, disseminating information on rural trends, publishing research results, and sponsoring forums on rural issues.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on supporting research that contributes to the understanding and resolution of rural issues in Pennsylvania. The Center's Board of Directors annually selects research topics within mandated areas including rural communities, economic development, local government, community services, natural resources, social change, education, agriculture, and health. Projects must clearly relate to one or more of these research areas to be considered for funding.


Organization's Location
esse sit
Program Location
Organization Type
Proident irure dolor eu et proident enim
Deserunt cupidatat eu ipsum labore minim ullamco irure mollit cupidatat Lorem sunt
Velit ad anim tempor ut laboris culpa fugiat exercitation tempor reprehenderit
  • eu laboris voluptate duis ad fugiat magna aute sint excepteur irure
  • magna deserunt voluptate ex magna tempor officia eiusmod non et Lorem tempor amet incididunt nulla
up to 50k


Step 1: fugiat anim proident
Application deadline
Dec 22, 2024
Step 2: fugiat in (excepteur commodo)