Jewish Life Grants

    The Charles H. Revson Foundation is committed to improving societal well-being in various domains. Its mission encompasses supporting initiatives designed to enhance New York City's status as a vibrant, sustainable urban center through partnerships with civic, cultural, governmental, and nonprofit sectors. The foundation focuses on areas such as Urban Affairs, Jewish Life, Biomedical Research, and Education, aiming to address diverse community needs, stimulate civic engagement, and foster innovative solutions for modern challenges.

    Type of Support


    The Jewish Life Grant Program by the Charles H. Revson Foundation aims to enhance social and economic outcomes in Israel and North America. It specifically focuses on strengthening under-resourced areas such as civic service and urban planning in Israel, and Jewish chaplaincy in North America. Additionally, the program seeks to cultivate courageous leadership and supports communities that include Muslims and Jews together, as well as Jewish students at the City University of New York.


    Organization's Location
    mollit enim, ut adipisicing
    Program Location
    ea ullamco
    Organization Type
    Exercitation aute ullamco proident ad tempor
    • sint pariatur qui aliquip cillum eiusmod
    • adipisicing exercitation excepteur laboris


    Cillum ut
    Mollit mollit
    Laboris incididunt adipisicing labore
    Qui consequat occaecat
    Exercitation ipsum excepteur non ad
    Lorem sint aliquip incididunt pariatur officia nulla reprehenderit eiusmod
    Aliqua qui irure ea cillum sunt aute incididunt nostrud magna non
    Tempor reprehenderit deserunt minim qui velit ipsum fugiat
    5K – 400K


    Visit Apply for more information.

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