Heritage Project Grants

    The CIRI Foundation aims to support the educational aspirations of Alaska Native people. Through funding and resources, it seeks to promote quality learning and foster educational experiences from early learning years through adulthood. The foundation emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning and supports initiatives that address educational challenges, enhance educational opportunities, and improve the quality of life for Alaska Natives.

    Type of Support


    The Heritage Project Grants aim to support a wide array of initiatives that benefit Alaska Natives of the Cook Inlet Region, focusing on enhancing the understanding and appreciation of Alaska Native history, traditions, arts, and literature among both Alaska Natives and the general public. Specific goals include supporting educational projects and research, promoting cultural traditions and contemporary practices, fostering the identification and preservation of cultural materials, encouraging excellence in Alaska Native arts, and promoting cooperation to protect traditional values and involve Alaska Natives in achieving these objectives.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    not specified


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