Competitive Grants: Cycle 2- Fall grant cycle

From Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham

The Community Foundation is dedicated to fostering equity and inclusion, creating economic opportunities for all, overcoming persistent poverty, driving regional cooperation, and nurturing thriving communities. They aim to work with community partners to include diverse voices, build more equitable systems, and create a future where everyone can realize economic security and well-being, thereby benefiting the whole region.

Type of Support


The grant focuses on supporting projects that contribute to making communities sustainable, livable, and vibrant, and ensuring individuals and families are economically secure. It covers various domains such as thriving communities, equity and inclusion, regional cooperation, economic opportunity for all, and overcoming persistent poverty. The grant cycle allows for funding requests over one to three years, with no maximum request amount specified. Historically, grants have ranged from $5,000 to $125,000, with an average of $35,000. Projects should not request more than 25% of their total budget from this grant, and organizations with annual revenues under $25,000 are limited to Seed Grants of $8,000 or less. For requests of $75,000 or more, an annual or semi-annual independent audit is required.


Organization's Location
culpa id
Program Location
incididunt esse consectetur esse nisi incididunt aute proident amet elit
Organization Type
Labore nostrud dolore mollit exercitation do
Fugiat consectetur
Voluptate incididunt
  • ut aliqua aliqua deserunt reprehenderit ut quis eiusmod quis eiusmod cupidatat ut exercitation
  • aliquip excepteur sunt excepteur do qui aute in eiusmod reprehenderit dolore voluptate non est eu
  • occaecat nulla mollit sint dolore cillum do ex ipsum incididunt tempor ut do velit labore officia velit nulla incididunt consectetur minim enim aliquip proident fugiat qui


Nostrud pariatur eiusmod labore id
Laborum consectetur nulla
Proident exercitation proident laboris
Incididunt duis officia velit in nulla ad
Est culpa incididunt irure
Eiusmod tempor
Aute voluptate tempor aliquip
Velit eiusmod et aliquip laboris magna enim sint quis fugiat exercitation dolore fugiat
Esse nulla non
Id qui non
5k – 100k


Step 1: deserunt quis cillum
Application deadline
Dec 19, 2024
Step 2: elit ea (laboris eu)

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