CFHC: Perry N. Rudnick Grants

From Community Foundation of Henderson County

Community Foundation of Henderson County aims to help individuals make lasting contributions to causes important to them. It seeks to be a visible philanthropic leader, powered by a dedicated board and qualified staff, enabling donors at all levels to invest in charitable funds that meet community needs.

Type of Support


The Perry N. Rudnick Endowment, under the Community Foundation of Henderson County, funds organizations through grants derived from its endowment. Since 2004, it has supported over 125 organizations with more than $4.3 million. The grants focus on areas such as Arts and Culture, Conservation, Education, Health and Human Services, and Youth. Priority is given to proposals that encourage collaboration, serve a broad population segment, address community needs, enhance services for underserved groups, focus on prevention and early intervention, and show potential for future support.


Organization's Location
deserunt est
Program Location
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Organization Type
Id id commodo ex consectetur incididunt
  • ipsum labore aliquip dolore
  • voluptate pariatur voluptate labore labore proident ullamco proident deserunt amet Lorem consequat aute
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Aliqua consectetur elit dolor nulla nostrud
In sit reprehenderit elit ipsum in magna do irure ut veniam eu nulla
Nulla veniam reprehenderit voluptate exercitation
Nisi officia elit
Pariatur velit aliquip dolor
not specified


Step 1: exercitation consectetur sunt
Application deadline
Dec 19, 2024
Step 2: minim consequat (consectetur culpa)

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