Prospera Foundation Grant

From Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region

We strengthen our community for current and future generations by helping people make a difference in the lives of all.

Type of Support


The grant program supports causes aligned with Prospera Credit Union's goals, specifically in:

  • Education, with a focus on financial literacy programs within the community.
  • Quality of Life, emphasizing charitable causes that meet basic human needs and ensure safe, sustainable housing for the community.
  • Poverty, targeting initiatives aimed at ending poverty and hunger.
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, supporting efforts to engage diverse voices, remove barriers, and eliminate disparities to allow everyone to thrive. Selection for financial support, including capital campaigns, is based on application details and a case-by-case review, aiming to limit capital contributions to one per year to ensure a broad impact.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
Ad excepteur
  • reprehenderit id ex minim adipisicing excepteur laborum tempor in ullamco reprehenderit
  • non commodo ut reprehenderit non consectetur reprehenderit qui exercitation anim elit deserunt fugiat
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not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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